Somayeh McKian – Psychotherapist

somayeh mckian psychotherapeute en lignePsychotherapist, Novelist, Researcher.

I’m an Iranian clinical psychologist by training, graduated with a Bachelor in clinical psychology, a Master in general psychology as a top-rank student, at Allamah Tabatabaei University in Iran. I also graduated from Charles University in the Czech Republic with a Master in Gender Studies.

I’m a registered and certified member of the Iranian Association of Psychologists and Consultants. After working as a psychotherapist in my private psychology clinic and other practices in Iran from 2013 onwards, I found my way to Prague in the Czech Republic. It is here that I gathered experience working with expats from different nationalities and cultural backgrounds in the English language.

My main approach is narrative therapy, using life narrative analysis as a psychotherapeutic perspective and psychological assessment with a combination of qualitative methods. In a therapeutic conversation, we edit some chapters of your life story that need more coherency and harmony.

For this I mainly use personal and online sessions, for adults and teenagers (above 14 years old):

  • Individual and couple therapy;
  • Family therapy;
  • Group therapy.

My area of expertise covers:

  • Obesity and overweight, eating disorders, body image disturbances;
  • Stress, anxiety, depression, ADHD, grief, trauma;
  • LGBTQs;
  • Marital dissatisfaction;
  • Relationship and family issues;
  • Teenagers-related fields (identity issues, puberty, sexual orientation, and gender identity);
  • Focusing on personal and professional development (life scenarios);
  • Mental health on an elderly age.

I have presented my articles at more than 20 national and international conferences and published seven international articles in psychology journals. They can be found here:

I am a novelist, writing novels at age 27 and published the first one that was nominated for all Iranian literature prizes as best novel of the year 2018. Then I continued writing besides psychotherapy and published two more novels until now.


Persian: nativeSomayeh McKian 

English: fluent

Somayeh McKian
Somayeh McKian
English psychotherapist online
trauma therapy online
trauma therapy in Belgium
Therapy for trauma online in english
Somayeh McKian psychotherapist for trauma online

Vous êtes psychologue ou thérapeute ?

En tant que professionnel indépendant en psychologie, thérapie, coaching et hypnothérapie, l’expansion de votre clientèle est cruciale pour la croissance continue de votre pratique. Bien sûr, vous pouvez recourir à des approches traditionnelles telles que les annuaires, les recommandations de médecins ou même des partenariats avec des centres médicaux locaux pour élargir votre base de clients.