Damien Kauffman

damien-kauffman-psychologue-hypnotherapeute-embourg-liegeI am a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, practicing therapeutic counselling (private practice + institutional + home visits) since 2007. Having an easy and casual contact, I aim for maximum utility. I am certified by the Belgian Commission of Psychologists and work in compliance with the Code of Ethics of Psychologists of Belgium. I can do consultations in English as well as in French.

Leading benevolent and non-judgmental conversation, we actively and in a stimulating way looking for ways to improve your situation. Therapeutic and diagnostic tools will be used according to your needs and the type of difficulties you encounter.

My clinical practice is based on a recognized scientific approach called « integrative ». This means that my methods are tailored to your personal needs. Each person is different, reacts differently and requires personalized involvement

I have developed an analytical approach since my master’s degree in adolescent and adult clinical psychology at the University of Liège. I am also trained at the University of Brussels (post-master 3 years) in clinical psychotherapy of systemic and family orientation allowing me to take advantage of the tools of the short-term systemic therapy. An additional year in Integrative Psychology (University of Brussels) allowed me to develop a cross-disciplinary approach using tools received from different fields related to analytic, behavioral and systemic approaches.
I’m also trained in different disciplines: multi-referential psychotherapy, sexology, positive psychology and humanism, social psychology, addictology, traumatology, intercultural psychology, sophrology, transgenerational psychoanalysis and NVC (non-violent communication).

Finally, I have significant experiences of interventions in different sectors:

  • The youth assistance sector gives me a significant insight into current family issues and dynamics;
  • My expatriation of several years and experience in NGOs allow me to have developed useful tips for the departure and the return of expatriates;
  • I use in consultation tools from my many interventions and training in business in the field of relational intelligence (conflict management, assertiveness, aggression management, etc.) and personal development at work (management of stress, emotion management, time and priority management, etc.). Burnout, boron-out and brown-out are regular reasons for consultation at my office;
  • Finally, the addiction sector, using the tools for treating addiction problems with or without a product.

Damien Kauffman



English Psychologist – Consultant in Mettet
trauma therapy in Liège – Huy
Therapy for trauma in Brussels in english
Damien Kauffman Psychologist for trauma in Liège – Huy

Vous êtes psychologue ou thérapeute ?

En tant que professionnel indépendant en psychologie, thérapie, coaching et hypnothérapie, l’expansion de votre clientèle est cruciale pour la croissance continue de votre pratique. Bien sûr, vous pouvez recourir à des approches traditionnelles telles que les annuaires, les recommandations de médecins ou même des partenariats avec des centres médicaux locaux pour élargir votre base de clients.